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23 janvier 2015 5 23 /01 /janvier /2015 12:33

Using Frep: Automate any smartphone action

FRep replays recorded finger taps and can be tied to a NFC Tag

By creating a macro or recorded finger taps, FRep can automate any action. In this tutorial we will be combining FRep, Trigger, and Tasker to create powerful NFC Tag solutions

DISCLAIMER: YOU NEED A ROOTED ANDROID PHONE TO USE FREP. Please visit the XDA Forums to learn how to Root your Android Phone.

1. Download these Apps:

FRep (Finger Replayer)


Tasker – Note: this app costs $2.99

2. Using your rooted phone open FRep and set the UI overlay to create a finger replayer record.

3. Open the Mobile Application you want to automate actions in

4. Click the record button from the FRep UI overlay

5. Create your recorded actions. FRep will replay any taps, touches, swipes or more you add to the record.

6. Press the power button on the phone to turn off the display and end the FRep recording. Create a name for your record.

7. Open Tasker and create a new task

8. Add a task to launch the application you are automating actions in. We also recommend adding a time delay task to give your phone time to load the App before activating the FRep Record.

9. Go to plugins and select FRep. The FRep record made earlier should be there. Select it by clicking the magnifying glass.

10. Your Tasker Task is now complete. Tweak it as needed. Now we need to program the NFC Tag

11. Open Trigger and create a new trigger. Add a new task and select NFC

12. Add the tasker task. Go to plugin’s and select the tasker task we just created.

13. Scan the NFC Tag to program it.

14. Success. When you scan the NFC Tag Trigger will call the tasker plugin which will then call the FRep Plugin to automate any finger action you recorded.

15. Experiment and push the limits. FRep can automate hundreds of actions in one recording. Be creative.

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